Cancer is a deadly disease that is still the attention of Researchers. In addition to being a human killer dangerous, cancer incidence can also be influenced by a person's lifestyle. One of them is the selection of food consumed daily. According to research, it turns out there are some that could Potentially Certain foods cause cancer. Here are some of them!
The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) Reported that processed meats such as sausage, corned beef, hot dogs, jerky, canned fish or meat-based foods and sauces, canned fish frozen cut-up chicken can cause cancer. Though a variety of Reviews These foods is one type of food that is Widely consumed by the public. In addition to practical, the price of the various types of processed meat is quite cheap
But the account after analyzing 7,000 scientific studies, AICR mebetapkan that each 50 gram serving of processed meat (about 1 serving hot dog) consumed daily can increase is kolorectal tesiko cancer by 20%. Kolorectal cancer is a term for cancers that were in the intestine or rectum.One makanna are Often in the spotlight is a hot dog.
Because the hot dog is one of the junk food that Often conjured up like a healthy diet with the addition of some vegetables such as lettuce or tomato slices. Please note that the hot dogs Also Contain carcinogenic substances like N-nitroso-compounds (NOC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Both of the above chemicals are suspected Also to increase of the risk of the stomach, esophagus, nasopharynx and Also bladder cancer.
Related to this, the journal Lancet Oncology Also note that cooking at high temperatures such as pan-frying or roasting like barbeque Generally resulted in production of carcinogenic in high quantities. So in addition to the selection of groceries, pay attention to the cooking you do. Healthy food ingredients are processed unhealthy can not be taken advantage to the maximum.
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Besides trimming meat or meat with the Lowest quality IS ALSO Considered not good for health. Because this type of meat is Often used as an ingredient for making animal feed or fertilizer. According to the agency the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, trimming include muscle meat trimmings, fatty tissues, head meat, paw, animal skin, blood and liver.
In addition to meat processing, additives or food additives Also Contribute to the emergence of cancer. Food additives, flavor enhancers may be material, dyes or preservatives. Some additive substances in question include sodium phosphate, sodium nitrate, monosodium glutamate, and Also smoke flavor. What about the quality of your food?
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