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How to Distinguish Between Healthy and Unhealthy Calories

Most of us generally know the calories, especially for those who are on a diet or weight loss. Calories are the amount of energy produced from the food consumed. It is therefore important to measure caloric intake on the menu for every day.
But did you turn out the same dose, healthy and unhealthy calories are very different. To diet or weight loss, of 100 calories of fiber can not be equated with 100 calories from cake. Grouping is based on the types of calories calorie source itself.
Calories come from the healthy unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and others. Conversely, an unhealthy calories come from snacks olahanseperti canned vegetables, bread, soft drinks, cakes to candy or cereal breakfast. Related to this, is not healthy caloric intake is closely associated with a variety of risk of health problems such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and others.
Conversely, healthy calories is considered to have a variety of benefits ranging from healthy sources of energy, boost immunity, improve balance one's emotions to assist in weight management. Even haisl study found that consumption of whole grains can help prevent heart disease and some other health problems.
Besides healthy and unhealthy calories are also grouped based on sodium or salt content in food or beverages.Calories unhealthy to have high sodium levels. In contrast, only a healthy calorie sodium containing low levels.High sodium content in food can cause various health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and even obesity.
Interestingly, the cost to enjoy healthy and unhealthy calories just a little adrift. Healthy food is generally priced more expensive than junk food. Nevertheless, of the cost difference is relatively very small compared to the cost of treatment of diseases caused by the consumption of unhealthy calories. Moreover, in the same amount of calories, unhealthy calories able to make sense of fullness last longer.
Interestingly, healthy calories also contain a variety of essential vitamins and minerals needed by the body.Moreover, foods rich in vitamin can enhance the body's immune system performance. Unlike the unhealthy calories, in addition to containing high salt levels, these foods also often contain sugar and bad fats which adversely affect health. What about the calories of your choice?
Tag : health
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